Alas my fear will never be put to rest because my dear husband refuses to get a puppy. He's "allergic", and here's how our convo went:
Me: can we please get a puppy?
James: i thought you were scared
(i proceeded to explain my self-prescribed therapy)
James: i don't want to buy something that i will have to serve. it's not gonna happen. besides, i'm allergic
Me: you're allergic?
James: yea my parents told me when i was a kid
(ZACK MORRIS TIMEOUT): you put two and two together and tell me whether or not he's really allergic. If I was a parent who didn't want my kids to get a dog, my kid would probably develop an allergy too.
Everyone in my complex has a puppy, and is that the reason I want one? No, I don't need a conversation piece to get into the dog park club. I really do want a puppy. So this post is dedicated to my burning desire to get a puppy. Here are some of my top choices:

Please comment and voice your best reasons for getting a puppy to convince my husband that we should get one too. CAVEAT: Dog-owners preferred.