Monday, May 31, 2010


March? Geez, that was a long time ago. I apologize for being MIA, but the past few months have been crazy and filled with travel. My current (and soon to be former) position requires an exorbitant amount of travel, so in the past few months I've been (on a weekly basis) to Portland, Phoenix, Chicago, L.A., Denver, get the idea. So most of my weekends are filled with me lying on the couch and becoming even lazier than I ever thought I could be. Well I suppose all of that is about to change. I've gotten a new position with a different division of my old company, and it will require NO travel! I will only be in SF, and I'm excited to finally explore the happy hours around town. So here come my random thoughts......

I clicked on my Google Reader for the first time since I don't know how long ago just before I started this post. I love reading everyone's blogs to see what they've been up to. I mean some will argue that the internet, emails, twitter, texting or whatever are impersonal and you should just pick up the phone. But I like that I can read up on friends that I can't always catch on the phone and see what's going on in life. And I guess it's what's prompted me to write this post too. I should be more faithful for all the inquiring minds who want to know what we're up to in the bay area. And I will try.

The weather's finally getting a bit nicer, and I'm hoping I'll be more active! I have to get in shape, not only cause I will probably have to train for the Nike Half Marathon later on in the year, but because I have become so lazy. I wanna volunteer somewhere, hopefully with some sort of mentor program, just cause I feel like I've been so self-serving since we've moved here. I'm still trying to look into the best programs, but if you have any suggestions please leave a comment! I miss having some core girl friends I can call up and go do stuff with. But I suppose that will take some time. Shopping continues to be my best friend and my husband's worst enemy. One day we'll meet in the middle.

That's all folks.


melody said...

lol @ "Shopping continues to be my best friend and my husband's worst enemy."

Lina Fuh said...

Ah! Now that you're traveling less maybe I should come visit you. hahaha! I do like shopping in SF. Start playing more vball please. :)