Thursday, December 18, 2008

When a Good Day Turns Bad

Yesterday was a really great day. I got a nice-sized order, work was really good and we ate at a nice little Italian cafe that was fairly priced. Even traffic wasn't too shabby with the fog and all after work. I got home in about 26 minutes. All in all a good day.

After a 20 minute cat nap I reluctantly got up to get ready for youth group. James almost had to make me. I was just so tired for some reason. James grabs his basketball, the bibles and I get dressed in workout clothes to pump myself up for a run after youth group. We get out of the car with my purse, the basketball, the bibles and James grabs his wallet and phone. Right as I walk in I get hit hard in the head by a basketball, and that proceeds to give me a throbbing headache for the rest of the night. But Trevor actually apologized and asked if I was okay, so I thought it was a mini victory.

10 minutes later James realizes he accidentally sat his phone and wallet down on the table when we first walked in, and it is now missing. So Pastor Dan made an announcement that nobody was leaving until the wallet and phone showed up, but 4 boys had already left by then. James' wallet was found by another church member on the street with the cash gone, but everything else still in tact. The phone is still yet to be found. Two of the boys promised they'd get the phone back and told us not to worry about it. As of now I still remain skeptical as James remains hopeful. (Is that sad..)

As all of this was going on two of my girls were tugging on one of their shoes back and forth and the other girl let go. Of course they both wanted me to sit between them so my nose gets slammed by her crocs. At this point I am ready to just go home. The kids are being so rowdy, Pastor Dan presents a "nick" (affectionately described by J, the aforementioned kid from "Ya'll went to Zuma's?") of pot found in the hallway, and James has locked his phone and disconnected it. I never ran last night.

So this is how a good day turns bad.

HOWEVER: We did get to do our candlelight service with the kids and a short message from John, which was the redeeming factor of the night. We're still taking them out to the Galleria to iceskate and play broomball Saturday night. If you're out and about in that area around this time, please beware.

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